
How to refocus and reach your goals for 2024 in the last 3 months – without burning out?

Do you feel exhausted with the back to school season?

Are you confused about how to get back to work mode from holiday mode?

Do you wish to get your control back over how the days and weeks go?

Would you like to feel motivated and ready to conquer your goals?

Do you want to finish the year strong?


If your answer is YES to any of the above – then this webinar is for YOU!

Join me on 19.09.2024 at 14:00 CET for the FREE autumn reset webinar!

Who is it for?

  • exhausted, busy expats who juggle many things in life
  • tired parents after back to school
  • millennials who already stress about the end of the year
  • scared and overwhelmed adults who don’t see where this year has gone

This will be a 1,5 hour long free webinar to regain control over your yearly goals and motivation.

You will walk away from the event with a plan for your next 3 months, motivated to start executing it.

What you will hear about…

  • how to set your goals for the last quarter
  • a simple method to keep yourself motivated
  • tips and tricks for success
  • how to find your inner strength and focus
  • when and how to reset when you need rest or to start over

The event starts in...









Come to the webinar and find your new focus!

To help you progress even further, as a bonus you will receive a checklist so you can plan and keep track of your steps easier! I will send you the checklist just before the webinar so you can already use it during the event.


Why learn from me, RĂ©ka?

  • I trained newcomers, colleagues and clients in 3 different countries
  • in my last corporate job, I became a leader in record time, under 2 years
  • as an expat I know how essential good plannig and resilience can be
  • I am an ICF certified coach and a certified trainer
  • since I got my qualifications, I worked with all sorts of people – high schoolers, managers, moms and dads, entrepreneurs, university students…
  • I am a planner at heart since I was a kid 🙂
  • I lived, studied and worked in 5 countries already – I know that you need a system which works for you everywhere!

So how about a focus shift to still reach your goals for 2024 without burning out? This is your chance to get back the control and hit new milestones!

Join me in this free webinar by filling out the form below: