The expat circle is gathering – take your seat and get unstuck with us!

Will you be part of the journey? Or will you let the journey happen to you?

Monthly group events for people who live abroad and want to take charge of their life. These 2 hours long group coaching sessions are focusing on expat challenges and community.

Discover how to…

  • navigate your expat challenges
  • get more confident in your decisions
  • find community and support abroad
  • use your foreign-ness in your advantage

Feel confident again in your choices! 💪

Why join the expat circle group sessions?

No matter where you are in the world, you will find community here.


You can connect with people who are on the same journey like you. You are not alone ❤️ and we stand by your side. Looking for solutions together – with professional guidance – will make your progress much faster.


This circle is focused on expats, people who live abroad – like you. No overexplaining or apologizing here. We get why living in a different culture and constantly using another language is hard.


You get professional support with your challenges from an experienced specialist. Feel safe and understood in the circle, where there is always someone to hold your hand.

This is for you, if…

  • you live in a foreign country and want to make your experience fulfilling there
  • you are in the process of moving abroad (or recently did the move)
  • you are an expat and you feel like you don’t quite fit in your new country
  • you want to thrive in your new life – not just survive
  • you struggle with adjusting to a new language or culture (or both)
  • you are looking for professional help on your expat journey

I was stuck before too and it feels scary.

There were times when the spring was in bloom and the sun was shining – but I felt like I am loosing myself. There were so many things around me, and yet I felt like I cannot go in any direction. I was frozen in the search of my path. Then I reached for help and found my way.

Walking on the expat path alone is lonely and overwhelming. When you just want to shout and scream for help, when every day feels heavy and the challenges don’t seem to ever end… that is when you need support and community. Choose yourself and choose the circle where you can get the support you need.

Get your confidence and peace back!

Come with your worries and walk away with solutions.

You will feel more calm and confident after rediscovering your strengths, and connecting to people who are on a similar journey like you.

With the help of my exercises you will find new ways to solve your expat problems and build a better life abroad.

This is what we will work with in the upcoming sessions:


How to get unstuck? – Instead of feeling lost and frozen in your spot, find your new direction abroad. Work with what keeps you from thriving in your expat life.


Life afer the crash: arrived to your new country, now what? Learn how to make your new life actually YOURS.


Not alone but sill lonely: friendships, dating and family relations on the expat journey. How to (re)build connections while living abroad.


Finding your superpower: unlock skills you never knew you had AKA unpacking the expat surprise.


Too many options are no options at all? The illusion of everything is poosible and how it blocks you from moving forward. What will you be when you can be anything?

Your professional support: Réka, expat coach

Hello! I am Réka, expat coach, with a background of ICF accredited training. I help people find their path abroad, navigating their global life.

I am an expat myself so I know from first hand experience how challenging this lifestyle can be. I am Hungarian, currently living in Belgium, but I lived in the Czech Republic before as well.

I work with groups and individuals like you, both as a coach and as a trainer. Let me hold your hand while you find the best way to live your life abroad!

I bring the tools and space - you bring yourself

No need for special preparation – just show up and be curious!
I will prepare questions and exercises to help you uncover your hidden strengths and find tools to overcome your challenges.

All the technical infos…


All the sessions will be online on Zoom, and you can sign up on one at a time.


There is always a weekday evening and a weekend morning session. The current dates:

03.03.2025. Monday, 18:30-20:30 pm CET

01.03.2025. Saturday, 10:00-12:00 am CET

Participation fee?

The price is 30€/session. So for the price of one coffee a week or one nice dinner a month, you can get support with your expat challenges.

Some more tiny bits

After registration you will get an e-mail with the payment infos and you will be able to choose the date there as well. Your spot will be secured when the payment arrives and you will get an email confirmation about that, too.

Let go of the things that hold you down and take back the control. Invest in yourself and in your expat life. This group will give you the support you need to succeed. ❤️

girl holding onto the anchor picture