Why should we work together?
My favourite moment is when I see the sparkles in my client’s eyes. The magical moment, when you just realised something, when it suddenly became crystal clear. It happens, when you start to walk on your own path, and finally feel like you found what was missing from your life.
I believe that everyone has a dream and that you deserve to live the best life you can dream of.
You deserve to become the most magical, enchanted you.
When you are stuck and confused, I bring you tools and techniques to help shifting your perspective or open up new possibilities.
We make order from chaos and build the path to your dream. With coaching, I help you set goals and make a plan to know how to achieve it. This way you gain confidence and will walk your own path intentionally.
In what ways can we work together to build your dream life? Read more about the options below.
How could we work together?
Life coaching
One on one sessions of coaching, regarding questions of personal development, life goals, lifestyle, personal decisions, etc. When you feel stuck, sometimes you just need time, space and a trained professional to hold your hand – and you can find the best solution for yourself.
In these sessions, I bring questions, tools and exercises to help you see your possibilities, and figure out, which option or decision suits you and your life the best. Coaching focuses on the present and the future, it is less about the WHY and more about the HOW.
Topics I work with in this context:
- goal setting and motivation
- life path changes
- career questions and career changes
- lifestyle changes
- resilience and change management
- challenges of the expat life
- community finding and building
Business coaching
A work related segment of coaching, where we work on your career advancement and aspects of your business life. Suitable for leaders, aspiring leaders, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. Anyone with strong career aspirations.
Topics I work with in this context:
- challenges of a leadership role
- delegation and time management
- adjusting to a new work environment
- motivation and career advancement
- workplace culture and how to find your place there
- challenges of entrepreneurship
- business development topics
The difference between mentoring and coaching is the amount of external information input.
On mentoring sessions, I give you materials to learn from and I can provide you with examples from my experience and experties. It has space for a more close handholding and I can walk your path with you, while we work together.
The process is more closely guiding you, although we still keep the partnership.
Topics I work with in this context:
- business advancement
- business expansion
- language learning
- the whole process of moving countries and adjusting to a new cultural environment
Group coaching
This is a form of coaching, where there are more individuals, working on the same topic or issues, but everyone works on their own.
The coach asks questions and bring tools and exercises, but the participants can share their thoughts with each other as well, not just with the coach.
This way the help of the community is also present, while participants still benefit from the power of coaching.
Topics I work with in this context:
- women’s circle
- expat life challenges
- resilience and change management
Free discovery call
Let’s discuss your topic and see if we could work together! Book an appointment online:
Upcoming events
Join me at the upcoming events and workshops, where we can work together
Managing celebrations and holidays abroad
Are you tired and stressed from the upcoming holidays? Do you feel like you should be in multiple countries at once, to make it work?
A practical and focused session, where we crack the code on how to manage this stressful season. From survive to thrive – even as an expat.
Where? Zoom
More info and registration coming soon!
3 month to crash your goals
Thematical 3 month mentoring program
Sign up to get…
– 3 live mentoring sessions (one per month)
– 3 months of handholding and materials
– weekly check ins and thematical exercises
Where? Fully online (sessions on zoom)
Price and more info coming in December!
Így lécelj le! – Webinar külföldre vágyóknak
This event will be in Hungarian.
Hogyan találd meg a neked való helyet és készülj fel a külföldi életre?
Mellébeszélés nélküli másfél óra, hogy magabiztosan vághass bele a nagy kalandba. Átfogó, felkészülést segítő tematika azoknak, akik a kiköltözést tervezik.
Hol? Online. A webinár rögzítésre kerül és visszanézhető lesz.
Mikor? 2024.12.03. 18:30-20:00
Részvételi díj: 3500 Ft
További információ és regisztráció hamarosan.